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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Surviving the Dentist with an Autistic Child - Sheri Merrick of InfoStar Productions

Sheri Shares Her Story About Her Autistic Son's First Dental Visit

Being a single mother with two boys is hard enough then you add Autism into the mix and it gets darn right tough!  Being in the dental field for several years I was very conscientious of dental health and made sure I brushed my boys’ teeth daily.  When my oldest son was 4 I finally took him in for an exam.  It was at the office I was currently working so he had met my boss, the dentist, and my co-workers so I felt he would be very comfortable.  It was an interesting visit but what the x-rays showed was that he had cavities!

 Light It Up Blue!Yikes! How could this be?  I was so diligent about the brushing!  Well to my dismay because my son would not allow me to floss his teeth and they were so tightly together he developed what is called “interproximal decay”  meaning cavities between his teeth in the back.  The dentist showed me how I could get him to allow me to floss and from that visit forward he allowed it.  We scheduled an appointment for the fillings and I kept my fingers crossed.

The Nightmare Begins...

That weekend before his dental appointment he had spent it with his father and I had asked his father to discuss with him that he needed to be a brave boy and sit very still for the doctor to work on him.  To my dismay his father told him flat out, “They are going to give you a shot in your mouth and it is going to hurt!”  I couldn't believe my ears!  I asked him why on earth he told him that and he stated he wasn't going to lie to him.  I tried to explain that dentistry has come a long way and that injections don’t hurt as bad as they once did.  Usually you don’t even feel it.

Well, that was the beginning of a nightmare.  My son, because of his autism wouldn't sit still in a dental chair anymore.  I ended up going to 5 different specialists trying to find a dentist that would perform the fillings without putting him completely out.  No one would agree and by the time we finally got him in with an office to do the fillings it had to be done at a hospital under full anesthesia and the filling turned into a baby root canal and my son ended up with a silver cap on his tooth!  That was the worst feeling in the world.  I felt like I had failed my son but, of course he loved his new special tooth.

Dental Visits Today

Since that time my son has undergone in-home ABA therapy and we have been able to deal with things that are stressors for him.  He has since had a filling performed without any anesthetic and gets his teeth cleaned regularly.  He still gets nervous and uncomfortable, but when they tell him he has no cavities it gets a big smile out of him!

He is now 12 years old and has lost the tooth with the silver cap and every now and again he wishes he could have it back!  When the tooth fairy claimed that tooth it fetched quite the reward.

Resources for Families Coping with Autism

I'd love to hear about your family's experience with Autism, please share!

Sheri Merrick of InfoStar Productions

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